As'ad AbuKhalil will be speaking at the Evergreen State College on Nov 13th at 7pm in Lecture Hall 5.
As'ad AbuKhalil's blog the Angry Arab News Service (www.angryarab.blogspot.com) receives between 30,000 and 35,000 hits per month. AbuKhalil is from Tyre, Lebanon and grew up in Beirut. He served as free-lance Middle East consultant for NBC News and ABC News, an experience that only served to increase his disdain for US media mainstream, which he believes displays "more than a tinge of racism" towards Arabs.
He is the author of Historical Dictionary of Lebanon (1998), Bin Laden, Islam & America's New "War on Terrorism" (2002), and The Battle for Saudi Arabia (2004). He is now professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus, visiting professor at UC, Berkeley and his favorite food is fried eggplants.
AbuKhalil is vocally pro-Palestinian, describes himself as an anti-Zionist, and supports one secular state in Palestine. He is an opponent of the Iraq War. He is critical of Israeli government, of United States foreign policy, of Saudi Arabia, of both Fatah and Hamas in Palestine, and of all rival factions in Lebanon.
Politically, AbuKhalil describes himself as "a former Marxist-Leninist, now an anarchist", a feminist, and an "atheist secularist".
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