Monday, January 26, 2009

On not C-ing BS for once . . .

CBS breaks out of the mainstream mold and does some honest reporting. They probe Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank and interview actual Palestinians - including Dr.Bourgouti, who has been barred from re-entering his hometown of Jerusalem (where he'd been practicing as a doctor for 14 years) simply because he moved 10 miles out of town. This absurd banishment is four years in, and counting. CBS also visits a Palestinian family living in a house on the highest hill in Nablus. Their private life, rights and freedom of movement are constantly violated by Israeli soldiers who occupy their home at will due to its 'strategic value.'

Apartheid Checklist:
- humiliating and life crippling checkpoints
- massive separation barriers
- house demolitions
- institutionalized political inequality
- deliberate economic impoverishment
- internationally condemned settlements (insidiously choking all prospects for a two state solution)

A rapidly growing Arab population will outnumber Israeli Jews within a few short decades. This leaves Israel with three options: unbridled ethnic cleansing, a 'one man/one woman, one vote' democracy or apartheid - a process clearly already under way.

1- VIDEO: Please thank CBS because last night 60 Minutes Bob Simon Told the Truth About Jewish Settlers and the Israeli Army in West Bank to Prime Time Sunday Night American television. (Video & Audio Needed)

• CONTACT “60 Minutes” - They are getting a lot of “heat” from the vocal minority who support Israel’s brutal and counterproductive actions. It is important that those who value peace with justice in the region make the effort to support balanced media coverage. Tel: 212-975-2006 Fax: 212-975-2019 E-Mail:, Copy to:

• Mail: 60 Minutes 555 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019

2- VIDEO Please watch this Video by a Israelis Women's group who is fighting for Palestinian justice and a Homeland since 2001.

3- BBC STORY Incitement against Palestinians by military chief rabbi

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