Friday, March 13, 2009

Just in from The Angry Arab News Service:

960 Palestinian civilians: who are the terrorists?

"Israel's 22-day offensive in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip killed 1,434 people, including 960 civilians, 239 police officers and 235 fighters, a Palestinian human rights group said Thursday." (thanks Olivia)

The mother of all atrocious defense videos

"Unfortunately for us, Israeli arms-maker Rafael chose C. Which means we may have just found the most atrocious defense video of all time..." (thanks Laleh)

Didn't I tell you?

Yesterday, Chas Freeman withdrew his name. I wrote this the first day. (thanks Laurie)

Elliott Abrams: His Expertise

This is the expertise of Abrams: a man who never studied the Middle East and does not speak or read any of its languages (but he is fluent in Gun Zionism): "Expertise: U.S. policy in the Middle East, Israel-Palestinian affairs, democracy promotion, human rights policy, U.S. foreign policy." (thanks Mounzer)

They will not go

"Following the lead of Umm Kamel al-Kurd who put up a tent near her home in Sheikh Jarrah after she was forcibly removed from her home four months ago, other neighborhoods in Jerusalem facing a similar fate have set up such tents as spaces for organizing and encouraging others to stand in solidarity with each neighborhood. Such tents exist now on the Mount of Olives and in Ras Khamis. One of the organizers of the solidarity tent in al-Bustan, Ahmed Siam, told me "We will not let history repeat itself. We learned from history. We will not leave our land like we did in 1948. If they come and kill my son, I will not leave. This is our land. Even if they kill me and only my blood remains, it will remain on this land." The 7,000 residents of the area intend to fight for their right to stay on their land rather than see it turned into a new, illegal Israeli colony."

DON'T MISS Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil's scathing critique of the obnoxious provocateur, and self-interested scum of the earth, Christopher Hitchens - another privileged white man making the soulless trek from youthful radical to middle-aged reactionary.

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